Thursday, April 9, 2020, 20:47 | No Comments »

Matthew 11:25 tells us:  

"Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest."  

In this  passage, Jesus was speaking to the downtrodden, the sick, the tax collectors and those the religious elite of the day considered "sinners".  He said they no longer needed to live by legalistic and religious laws/rules from the Old Testament.  Biblical scholars say there were 613 at the time to live by before Jesus came along.   

The next verse says: 

"My yoke is easy and my burden is light."  (V. 29)

By yoke, he means his life principles and there are three of them: 

1) Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37)  This is the greatest commandment (V 38)

2) Love your neighbor as yourself (V. 39 -the people around you).

3) Treat others the way you expect to be treated. (Mattnew 7:12).  This is called "The Golden Rule." 

613 to 3.  That's it.  Life with Christ is not about a bunch of legalistic and elitist rules, despite what some may think.  His burden is actually light!  Only 3 to live by. 

Remember, Jesus also says it's not our outer appearance that matters, but, what's deep in our hearts that counts.  

Anybody can fake it and talk the talk. 

He calls them hippocrates.  I know plenty of them. You probably do too. 

So this Holy Week, keep the words of our Messiah in mind:  Love God, Love your neighbor and treat others the way you would like to be treated. 

Remember, Jesus died on the cross so you might have eternal life.  When you freely repent of your sins, and accept HIm as your personal savior, you receive his forgiveness, grace, mercy, love AND eternal life. 

We do not know the appointed time that our lives will end.  It could be today or 20 years from today.  But, I pray that we ALL are ready to meet up together once we pass through Heaven's Gates. 

Will you be one of them?  I sure hope so! 

This is Moving Moments.  Now it's YOUR time to make a MOVE! 

Saturday, October 19, 2019, 01:51 | No Comments »

My German Shephard is very persistent.  When he wants to play, he drops a ball in my lap or on the floor in front of me.  If I ignore him, he does it again and again.  If I don’t respond?   He sits there, stares and whines.

Sometimes, the answer isn’t yes or no, it’s “Wait Hogan.”  He doesn’t like waiting.  Neither do I.   But waiting IS an answer whether he likes it or not.

It’s the same when we pray.   God’s answer might be yes, or no, but, sometimes, it’s “wait.”  And, it's silent.  Nothing.  And, when that happens?  We need to be still and patient according to Psalms 37:7 and trust that God knows in His sovereignty what He is doing! 

Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us: 

God's thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. 

So, what WE think is right, may NOT be right at all! 

So, you ask, how do I wait for an answer?  There is no perfect way. But, there are some things to think about when you are in the waiting room.

  • Ask God for wisdom.  James 1:5 says He will give it to you if you ask for it. 
  • Stay close to Him.  The more time you spend with God in prayer, the more you’re likely to hear His gentle whisper or sense the direction He has for you. 
  • Stay in the Word daily!  Ask God to show you what He wants you to learn from your reading. 
  • Speak with a trusted friend. Proverbs 15:22 says plans fail for a lack of counsel, but, with may advisors, they succeed. Caveat:  Speak with friends who share your values and are not afraid to be upfront. Do not expect non-Christian friends to give you godly advice!
  • Memorize Psalms 25:4-5 

"Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long!"

Finally, Proverbs 16:9 says our hearts plan our course, but the Lord  determines our steps.  He WILL reveal the right steps to us in His perfect timing!  We just have to wait and remember Ecclesiastes 3:1 which says: 

 “There is a time for everything. And, a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Are you in the waiting room?  Then TRUST him and WAIT with confidence that He will guide you in His perfect timing!

This is Moving Moments.  Now it’s YOUR time to make a move!

Friday, August 23, 2019, 21:13 | No Comments »

Wearing swimming goggles and reading the Bible CAN  go hand in hand! 

One day, my husband was swimming and wanted to see how far he could go underwater.  He started out in one lane but popped up in another! 

I joked and said, “hey, you’re not focused.”  He said he WAS, but kept his eyes closed because he didn’t have his goggles on.

That’s why he swam into the wrong lane.

Sometimes we swim into the wrong lane of life.

But, when we read the Bible, our spiritual eyes open and we learn how to live God’s way.

In fact, the Bible says when we seek God with all our heart, we’ll find him!  And, Jesus said when we seek the kingdom of God AND HIS righteousness, He will help us along the way.  

So today, look at God’s Word.  It’s like having a set of goggles on.  Your eyes will be open, and it will help you stay in the right lane of life.

Here's how YOU can Make a MOVE!

  • Reflect upon Jeremiah 29:13
    "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart"
  •  Reflect upon  Matthew 6:33
    "Seek first the Kingdom of God, then all these things will be given to you."
  • Ask God to reveal Himself to you through His Word so you can know Him and better understand His character. 
  • Listen to scripture in a Bible App (You Version) when you're driving.   

When your day begins by seeking and loving the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), it sets your mind at ease knowing that your destiny for the day is in His hands! 

This is Moving Moments.

Now it's YOUR time to Make a MOVE!


Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 19:02 | 1 Comment »

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